November 14, 2023

Perfect Polly


In October we celebrated little Polly’s first Birthday with an autumnal shoot at Burrough Hill.

August 21, 2023



So, last month I became an Auntie. World, meet Casper.

February 26, 2020



On 18th January I was lucky enough to photograph this little beauty. World, meet April Millie Seaton.

November 21, 2019

Jo & Liz


Following a rather last minute wedding day, (Jo found out the morning of!) the beautiful Liz and Jo finally got to party on down and celebrate on Saturday, with their closest friends and family around them.

There was drinking, dancing and plenty of grub...including some very questionable vodka jellies. Oh and did I mention there was dancing? Lots and lots of dancing…

Congratulations Liz and Jo!

August 30, 2019

What Love is to Me


Being a wedding Photographer I witness love on a very regular basis, in fact, through just being a Photographer I witness love; wedding photography, newborn photography, family portrait photography, pet photography, engagements… the list goes on, and within all of them is the common denominator - an overwhelming sense of love. In varying forms perhaps, but it always there, and always expressed differently.  I feel extremely privileged to get to share a window on people’s expressions of love, to capture moments of love, to photograph celebrations of, yes you guessed it, love.  Love can be a great many things to a great many people, it’s what makes the world go around.  It is our strength and all of our weaknesses. Our highs and all of our lows.  Our laughs and our tears. Our happiness and our grief.  It is the love we have for one another, and the love we feel in return which helps shape us into the people we are today and the people we will become tomorrow.

I have always been a romantic, whether it be my Piscean aura, or just the fact that I am an extremely emotional person, (thanks Mum!). So, I guess, wedding photography was kind of always my calling, combining a love of photography, (yes there’s that word again!), a natural creativeness and a love of love. – What else could I be other than a wedding Photographer!?

Photographing my client’s expressions of love often triggers thoughts about my own views and experiences on the subject, what love is to me and how that’s changed as I have grown up. Was it like I expected it to be? Did it live up to my huge, wild expectations or was it (most certainly, in some cases) a massive disappointment? Is it just overhyped slush!?

I remember when I was younger, say mid-teens, I had braces, I had glasses, I had no sense of style or what looked good on me, I had no idea of how to make the best of myself and I hadn’t yet developed the “I don’t care what other people think of me” approach to life. I felt all of my friends were prettier than me, they were all more popular than me, they all had more boyfriends than me.  I was the geeky, conservative, quiet, shy, sporty, lanky girl with braces. I had friends yes, but I couldn’t help but feel that I would often become the butt of a joke, just because I wouldn’t stand up for myself or because I wasn’t as popular with the boys.  Back then I wasn’t interested in love.  I was more concerned with finishing school and being allowed to live my life my way.  I was always fiercely independent and was constantly told I had an old head on young shoulders.  I had no confidence and was ridiculously shy, especially around boys.

I left school and went to college (sixth form).  An all-girls school so the majority of the students were girls, the only boys that I knew there I had been at secondary school with so already knew me as geeky, conservative, quiet, shy, sporty, lanky Sam with braces, (although I had since had my braces removed,) so it was hard to shake my already smudged reputation.  I listened to music, read romantic novels, watched rom-coms, wrote poetry, planned my dream wedding, my perfect wedding dress.  Kept a scrapbook. But I was still self - discovering.  I still didn’t know who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.  Love to me then was unattainable. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to be with me.

It was the same throughout and after University.  I studied, I had friends, but ultimately, I was unhappy.  I was in an unhappy relationship, and my view of love had now changed. I had now got to the disappointment stage.  When everything you had been told as a child now appeared to be a lie. How could love suck so badly!?

By this point love had broken me.  I had learnt a lot yes.  But ultimately, I was at a point where I wished I had never experienced it.  That I was incapable of love or being loved. I certainly was in no rush to try and find it again!

Then everything changed, and I know this may sound a little cliché but… I learned to love myself.  I had spent years being told I wasn’t good enough and that I was wrong, had spent years feeling worthless and that I would never be happy – because I didn’t deserve it! Forever thinking that I wouldn’t get the happily ever after that you see in the movies. But, and it took time, I slowly learned that actually, it wasn’t me that was the problem.  I learnt to accept my flaws, learnt to embrace those qualities that made me different from my friends – and for that exact reason, because they made me different and different was good. I realised that people liked different and that they were drawn to different…. who wants to be the same anyway!? I bought a flat, moved jobs, joined a new sports club, made new friends and finally started living the independent life I had wanted at school. I could do it! And I did...and I loved it!

Love to me was a journey of self-belief and learning to be comfortable with the skin I was in.  There is a well-known saying,” you cannot expect someone to love you if you cannot first love yourself” and it’s true! By learning your own worth, you learn what you do and don’t deserve, what you will and won’t accept.  And no standard is ever too high. Your happiness should never be limited and never be measurable.

Love is a learning curve, as you change so does love. It means different things to you at different points in your life, when you need it to be different things. I am sure it will continue to mean different things to me as I continue to grow and change. It can be a hug and companionship when you are bored or lonely, or it can be a lifelong partner and a happily ever after…the love of a child, of a pet, the heart and soul of a business, a passion or hobby…but above all, it is adaptable. It is fragile, and it is enduring. And right now, for me, it is dinner on the table after a long day at work.  It is planning a weekend’s activity to separate out the chores. It is patience and understanding. It is time together that involves just being in the same room.  It is saying sorry after a row. It is being annoyed with someone 95% of the time and you still not wanting to be with anyone else. It is tolerance. It is a running partner when you can’t face going out in the evening cold alone.  It is a friendly face in a still unfamiliar part of the country. It is teamwork. It is about tolerating your worst habits and encouraging your best. It is a hug whenever you want one. It is your best friend. Love is giving you time to grow and support to change. Love is home.

June 27, 2019



On the 23rd June I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing the gorgeous little Reggie.

At four weeks old he was a little bit of a wriggler but with lots of patience and some quick thinking we got some beautiful close-ups. Both Mum and Dad had ideas on some of the shots they wanted, so we got creative with some family combos. We took took some of Mum and then some of Dad and then some more of Reggie before finishing up with a family portrait and an image that Mum had specifically requested we try.

August 14, 2018

Alix & Mark


We had a whale of a time photographing Alix and Mark's Wedding Reception in August. A photobooth, sweetie cart, giant Instagram frame and LOTS of dancing meant that this reception really was one hell of a party!!

The beautiful cake was made by a friend of the Bride and included two tiers of cupcakes as favours with the photobooth proving a massive hit with guests. Just to top things off we pulled out our giant photoframe, which with the huge conger line got the guests up and dancing the night away.

Alix and Mark, it was a pleasure!

August 7, 2019

Ten things you didn’t know about me…


So, I figured it was time for things to get a bit personal on here.  Besides, as a photographer it is generally my job to catch people’ getting personal’ during a wedding, at their most natural; relaxed and at home… (I much prefer a natural style of shooting!) …

Here we go: 10 things you didn’t know about me… (this was really hard, and I have actually realised how boring I am!)

1)     ‘I have spent most of my career working in IT’

Despite being arty from the day I was born and studying art and graphics at A-Level, and then Fine Art at University. I have always worked in the not so creative world of tech!  I am highly organised and love admin, so I guess I naturally gravitated towards a Personal Administration Assistant role when I graduated.  It was whilst I was working in London, as a PA, that I discovered I had an interest in computers, maybe because I was good at it? Maybe because I was a quick learner? Or maybe because I was half the average age of the rest of the workforce…? Anyway I quickly ended up seconding for the IT department and fell into an IT career.  Working my way up from an IT Administrator to Support Analyst and finally to a Helpdesk Operations Manager.  Despite this though, photography, art, craft, painting, remained a huge part of my home life and when I wasn’t working (or exercising) I would probably be indulging in one of my creative passions – it’s fair to say, if I could sit and draw/paint/make all day, I would.  I would often come home from work and sit down to work on a drawing, or stick some Bob Marley on my iPod and get completely immersed in a painting.  I would look at the clock four hours later and realise it was nearly midnight and I hadn’t even had dinner! I would be completely and utterly oblivious to absolutely everything else going on around me – my house could burn down, and I probably wouldn’t notice! 

My creative streak never left (and I hope it never does) so I decided it was time to start embracing it on a more professional level – maybe I could be creative all day and get paid for it! Thus, I started up on my own in Photography.

2)     ‘I definitely have psychic abilities!’

Believe it or not, (and most people don’t!) I do!

I have predicted many a natural/and not so natural disaster and have even gone as far as to predict on what day of a week I would be stuck in a broken lift! I have also foreseen what outfits people will wear and even the conversations we will go on to have.

-Okay so its not so clear that I could tell you exactly what was going to happen and when-nonetheless the dreams follow a certain theme which makes no sense at the time and then falls into place once the event has happened - confusing I know! And of course, no one would believe me even if I could interpret them! – No-one does. Maybe one day I will be able to harness the power of my fortune telling psyche – (queue epic music) to realise the power that I dream I have…to become so much more than I am…to hold so much power in the palm of my hand…but until then…(end epic music)

3)     ‘If I couldn’t be arty, I would have been a Marine Biologist!’

This one is quite simple. When I was seven years old, I was sat watching a program with my Dad about life in the sea. As a true Piscean, I am obsessed with water.  I drink it, swim in it, love to have it in my garden and just love to be near it.  There was a lady on the TV who, I believed at the time had this amazing job working in the sea and with water and with sea life.  I decided then – that if I couldn’t be an artist I would do her job and be a Marine Biologist. – simple!

4)     ‘I have freckles’

They are hidden most of the time until I go out in the sun, then they appear out of nowhere – on my nose, cheeks and arms! They are directly inherited from my Mum and I love them!

5)     ‘I was a cat person growing up but now have two dogs’

In my eyes there are two types of people in the world, cat people, and dog people. (I don’t speak to people who don’t like animals).  I currently have two little dachshunds and if I can persuade my other half enough will eventually have four! Put simply, I love dogs.  Their loyalty, their love, their gorgeous happy little faces…argh it makes me kind of broody (just for more dogs). My two are such characters. However, I actually grew up with cats.  We had two beautiful cats, Suki and Allie, both rescues to a point and both lovely, well-loved, still very much missed family pets.  I had asked for dogs, but my Mum and Dad, who also were cat people always said no. So, it never happened.  Now though, both my parents and my sister (who has a cat called Scamp) love my dogs and do everything they can to help us look after them. Bertie in particular has taken a shine to my Mum and he will literally be carried around by her all day. Dad too, isn’t content until he has chased them both around the garden at least twice by lunchtime.  I guess I am lucky to come from family of animal lovers and they can be both cat and dog people!

6)     ‘I still have no idea what I want to do or who I want to be and never have – only where I want to be…’

Now this one is honest… I still don’t really know what I want to do with my life, or how I am going to get to where I want to be…- but I do know where I want to be.

Basically, in a villa with a vineyard in the south of France! Or by the coast. Or in the mountains. Or in a lovely old country house! I want to travel a bit, see the world, enjoy life a bit more.  I want to be happy ultimately – which I guess is what most people want.  Not necessarily rich, just happy.  Earning enough to allow me the lifestyle I want, without having to constantly worry about money or to constantly have to budget.

I remember at school, when we were asked to pick our options, I panicked! I had no idea what I wanted to do.  And then it was okay. We were sent to careers advisors who all tried to prepare us and all I remember is feeling angry and a little rebellious about the fact I was being asked to place the rest of my life on four school subjects at the age of 14! I wanted to do something creative. That’s all I knew and to a point that is all I still know.  I have never had any real career ambitions. Yes, I have always wanted to be the best I can be and if that meant exceeding in whichever job role I may have had at the time then that is what I would do. But I have never been able to say what I wanted to be. I have never had that direction, a path to follow, nothing clear cut like a lawyer or a doctor for example. – It has been chaotic and in the moment, to say the least; which is actually a huge contrast to how I decide to live my normal everyday life. I have in effect, “winged it.”

7)     ‘I have a massive Coke habit.’

Diet Coke.

I drink it with everything, all day, every day.  I know it is filled with aspartame, but it is the only thing that keeps my sweet tooth cravings at bay.  Without it I would be the size of house! It’s the one thing I cannot live without.

8)     ‘I am a self-confessed feminist’

Anyone who knows me knows how true this is – especially work colleagues!  Having worked in a male dominated environment my entire professional life, I have always felt as if I have had something to prove.  This was undoubtedly not helped by the fact that I had quite a tempestuous environment at home.  My Dad, my Sister and I are strong, feisty individuals and there is often a lot of shouting to be heard over one another. Therefore, when I started working in a male dominated team things were bound to get messy.

Ok, so messy is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I did spend a lot of my time fighting to be heard and trying to get people to listen to my point of view.  I would often be ignored in a team discussion or talked over and would more often have to raise my voice to get people to take notice.

9)     ‘I own over 100 pairs of shoes’


Slightly embarrassing and grossly unnecessary. But it is what it is.

1)     ‘I play Hockey 2-3 times a week but have never broken a bone’

I have come close – oh so many times! I have bumped and bruised and sprained and strained and dislocated.  But never broken.  I got smashed in the face by a hockey ball and still didn’t break anything.  I swear I am part cyborg.  This is good though because it means I can keep playing - being as active as I am, being laid up in cast would drive me absolutely insane!!!

So, there we have it! 10 things we can talk about when I see you next….!

June 23, 2018

Teri & Tim


It was a beautiful sunny Summers day in June, when Teri and Tim tied the knot in a vintage inspired ceremony at the stunning Little Hallingbury Mill in Hertfordshire.

The Bride wore a beautiful white lace Maggie Sottero gown from Mariposa Bridal Boutique in Sawbridgeworth and the Groomsmen's blue suits perfectly complimented the pink and green colour scheme.

The Mill was the perfect location for the traditional confetti shot after which it was time for Pimms and Lemonade in the sunshine for the guests while the Bride and Groom had their portraits taken. The cake, by Fifi's Cakery in Chelmsford, not only looked gorgeous but tasted amazing as well with three different flavoured tiers.  Hummingbird (banana and pineapple), rhubarb and lemon with (lemon curd) on top!

After the Wedding Breakfast and speeches we made the most of the fading light and popped outside for one final shoot in the sunset before the newlyweds and their guests partied on into the night (with the help of one of our custom designed Photobooths...)

June 18, 2018

7 Qualities to Look for when Choosing your Wedding Photographer


Choosing a Wedding Photographer is by far one of the most important steps in planning a wedding.  It is also often the task that takes the longest and requires the most research and consideration.

It is important to make sure the Photographer you choose will put as much consideration, thought, planning and time into photographing your wedding, as you have put into choosing them.


1)     Engagement or initial Mini Sessions- Does your Photographer offer an initial Mini photo session to cover your Engagement or simply as a dry run?

Engagement shoots are an important part of the bonding process with your Wedding Photographer. These not only provide an important opportunity for you to get to know one another on a more personal basis, but also helps you both feel at ease in one another’s company. This ultimately makes discussing requirements frankly and posing those all-important couple shots at the wedding that much easier.

A good Photographer will naturally make you feel at ease regardless of whether they have previously photographed you, but a familiar face and one previous shoot already in the bag will help further calm your nerves on what will be one of the most important days of your life.

A shoot prior to the wedding will also give your Photographer an opportunity to assess how you photograph, so they are able to get it just right on the day.  Everyone has a best angle and if you have a “best side” or a bit of yourself that you may be self-conscious of, this is the perfect time to let your Photographer know so they can bear this in mind when taking your portraits on the day it matters most.

Whether a Photographer offers a specific Engagement shoot or simply a half-hour Mini Session, you should check that they are prepared to offer some sort of pre-shoot as part of the Wedding package.


2)     Pre-Wedding Meeting - Does your Photographer request a planning meeting before the wedding and make it clear when this should be scheduled?

This will almost certainly be done at the time of the Engagement/Mini Session.  Either way, it is important you check that your Photographer will offer you the opportunity to meet before the wedding to run through any specific requirements you have and for you discuss any concerns if you request it.  Once again it will give you an opportunity to get to know your Photographer and for both parties to fully understand one another’s expectations.


3)     Photo Worksheet - Does your Wedding Photographer give you a worksheet to complete? 

This should list the key photos that you would like (group shots etc) and a list of names of key family members including any special notes that the Photographer needs to be aware of. 

This makes the formal photograph part of the day run much more smoothly and again, if the Photographer is aware of who’s who it will help put people at ease and make the day much more enjoyable for everybody involved.

It also means your Photographer can ensure they capture all of the photos on your wish list, – which of course should be any Wedding Photographer’s primary aim!


4)     Venue Visit - Has the Photographer completed a venue visit or is it a venue that they are already familiar with?

A familiarity with the wedding venue will again allow for a much smoother running of the photos on your special day.  Your Wedding Photographer should be aware of where each aspect is to be held, so that they are able to prepare equipment and should have already scouted out places for group shots, couple photos and alternatives if it happens to be a wet wedding.

Time won’t be limitless and there will probably only be narrow allotted slots for each set of photos, so having already done this preliminary visit will ensure none of the key points of your day are missed.

Don't be afraid to ask your Photographer if they are familiar with the venue, if they are - great! If not, ask them if they will be visiting or if you haven't had your initial pre-wedding meeting yet, maybe suggest this takes place at the venue.  This will enable you to discuss your requirements in more detail and play out where you would like specific photos to be taken.  If the venue holds open days, visiting on one of these will give the Photographer the opportunity of discussing intricacies with the staff and potentially finalising any requirements in regard to insurance or guidelines that the venue may have. 


5)     Itinerary - Does your Photographer ask for an itinerary?

In order to properly plan your photos and to ensure your desired shots are captured, your Wedding pPtographer should ask for a copy of your itinerary for the day, including the details for your Wedding Planner/Venue’s Co-ordinator should you have one.

They will then be able to plan where they need to be at what time and have a clear indication of the schedule and running of the day.  In a lot of cases the Photographer will guide the running order of the portraits and it is their responsibility to ensure all desired images are captured in the times allotted. 

There will usually be a slot allocated for photos after the ceremony and before the wedding breakfast, however how the time within this is used and how the photos are organised will be the Photographer’s sole responsibility.  If they haven’t asked for a copy of the itinerary, you may need to check they are fully prepared for this task.


6)     Attention to detail - Has your Photographer asked for the finer details of your wedding?

Most Photographers will have a developed style specific to their work, which is something that you would have undoubtedly considered prior to booking them.

However, it is important that your Wedding Photographer pays a general interest to the finer details of your wedding in order to make your photos as personal to you as possible. For example, making sure extra care will be taken to capture decorations or table props or accessories if a couple’s theme is an important aspect of the day.

For example, if you are hosting a wedding with a strong vintage theme, you may want your pPotographer to consider this in the post-production of your images.

Above all, you want to choose a Photographer who demonstrates an honest interest in your day and who appreciates the efforts you have gone to make it special.


7)     Communication - Finally, do they grasp the importance of communication?

You will probably be able to gauge early on how keen a communicator your Wedding Photographer is; how respondent are they to your queries? Do they offer you a direct line to be able to contact them? Do you have a phone number for them for emergencies?

Throughout what is undoubtedly one of the most stressful times of your life, you need to be able to trust that you’ll be able to get hold of your Photographer quickly and reliably should you have any questions, concerns or a sudden change of plan. After all, you are paying for their services and want to feel your day is considered as important to them as it is to you.

Does your Photographer confirm meet times/details in writing? Have they explained details of their contract with you? Are they prompt in replying and following up on promised or discussed actions?

A prompt reply to a query you may have will give a good indication of their overall manner, punctuality is obviously an important trait for whoever is capturing your big day. The last thing you need at zero hour is the added stress of not being able to find or get hold of your Photographer!


Wrapping up this ultimate guide to choosing a Wedding Photographer.

The points I have identified in the last few paragraphs are things that should always be considered when choosing your Photographer, or at the very least, things to expect or question when making your selection, but they are not the be all and end all.

It is important that you establish the key points that are important to you and your partner before you pay your deposit and place a booking, therefore, on your initial contact, be sure to ask as many questions as you can and maybe ask to see an example of their process, (initial meeting, correspondence drafts etc.) It is also a good idea at this point to try and get in touch with other couples whose weddings they have photographed so you can ask the couple directly about their experience with the Photographer and whether they would recommend them. This will play a big part in informing your decision.

Organisation is a MUST have trait of any Wedding Photographer and it is obviously fundamental that they gain your trust to perform such an important part of one of the most special days of your life. This is a huge undertaking, and you must be confident that they take it as seriously as you do. 

Everyone likes to feel special and although many Photographers depend on wedding photography as their profession, it is also important that you are not made to feel like just another couple in a long line of weddings that need to be photographed.

Look for that personable touch that makes you and your day feel special and unique.  On what will probably be one of the best days of your lives, you need to make sure your Photographer is capable of accomplishing not just some, but every single one of your photography requirements.

Feb 2, 2018

Leanne & Lee


It was a sunny, crisp Winter's day in February when we photographed Leanne and Lee's Gosfield Hall Wedding. The couple had chosen a traditional theme with hints of navy, cream and silver in the flowers and decor.

The Bride took a Rolls Royce to the ceremony which took place at Katherine's Church across the field from Gosfield Hall.

After the ceremony, the wedding party went back to Gosfield Hall for confetti, group shots and the portraits.

The wedding breakfast and the speeches took place in the great hall and then after dinner there was dancing and photobooth fun with one of our custom designed booths to match the navy, cream and silver theme.